Welcome to
Illawarra Medical Centre

Illawarra Medical Centre is a family medical practice based in Ballajura, Western Australia, providing a wide range of health care services for patients.

We offer bulk billing to Pensioner Concession card holders, Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) card holders and children aged under 16 years for weekday appointments.
Walk in appointments are currently available for medical emergencies only.

As the home of SmartVax, we use SMS and smartphone technology to actively monitor the vaccine safety of our patients.


our services

We provide a comprehensive immunisation service for all vaccines on the National Immunisation Program (NIP), as well as COVID-19, flu and travel immunisations.

We also use SmartVax to monitor vaccine safety.


Appointments with an Accredited Practising Dietitian are available every Tuesday at our practice, to discuss a range of dietary related health concerns you may have

Skin check

We offer a comprehensive range of dermatology services, including skin cancer checks and surgey, mole and general screenings, as well as minor and dermatological surgery.

Skin cancer and skin checks are available every Tuesday morning with Dr Dhruva Ramachandran.

health assessments

Illawarra Medical Centre provides Medicare funded health assessments for those aged 45-49 years old, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and people aged over 75 years.



With the weather warming up, now is the perfect time to get your annual skin check!
Our very own Dr Dhruva Ramachandran is available for skin cancer and skin checks on Tuesday mornings.
To make a skin check appointment, phone us on (08) 9208 6400.


Have you got a new address, phone number or email address?
If so, please update your details with us as soon as possible, so that we can keep you up-to-date with any important clinical information regarding your health care.
To make sure your contact information is correct, simply contact Reception on (08) 9208 6400 or email us at mail@illawarramedical.com.au 


Please DO NOT attend the practice if you have tested POSITIVE to COVID-19. Telephone consults are available ONLY for those who have tested positive for COVID.
Contact us on (08) 9208 6400 if you do have COVID and need a telehealth appointment with one of our doctors. Standard fees and charges will apply.
If you believe you are eligible for antiviral medications, please let Reception know when you call, so that we can assist you where possible.

30 Years of IMC!

30 years ago, Illawarra Medical Centre started out as a small office style clinic with a handful of staff to become the busy practice, with more than 20 support staff and 15 doctors, that it is today.

There’s been a lot of changes over those years and Dr Alan Leeb recently reflected on those changes. Read more>>


Australia has one of the highest melanoma rates in the world, with one person diagnosed with melanoma every half an hour?

Find out more about melanoma and how it can be prevented in our latest blog >>

Where to find us