Missed appointments
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment, so that it can be offered to another patient in need.
Missed appointments or those cancelled within one (1) hour of the appointment may be charged a fee.
Running late?
Please let us know if you are running late for an appointment, so that we can accommodate our other patients.
While our doctors endeavour to run on time, schedules can sometimes be interrupted by medical emergencies or unexpected events. We apologise for any delay experienced by our patients.
Please notify our Reception staff if you have been waiting for your appointment for more than 30 minutes.
Pre-screening questionnaire
You will receive a pre-screening questionnaire prior to your appointment.
The questionnaire is entirely optional, so you can simply ignore it if you wish. It does, however, provide your doctor with information prior to your appointment that can then be discussed in more detail on the day, enhancing your face-to-face time with your GP.
Book Online
Online bookings are available through HotDoc.
To make a booking, simply click on the link below.
To book from a hand held device, you will need to download the HotDoc app - available for free from the App Store or Google Play - and sign up as a new user.
Phone Us
You can also phone Reception on
(08) 9208 6400 to make an appointment.
Please phone us if you are unable to book your preferred doctor or appointment time online, so that we can assist you to find a suitable alternative.
After Hours & Home Visits
If you are unable to attend the practice and need to see a doctor at home, please contact us on (08) 9208 6400 during opening hours to discuss your available options.
For assistance outside our normal operating hours, please contact Night Doctor directly on 1300 644 483.
For any emergencies, please contact 000 and request an ambulance for urgent assistance.
Our Opening Hours
- Monday to Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday/Public Holidays
- 8:00am to 6:00pm
- 8:00am to 1:00pm